In a time when we know that exponential growth can only lead to a global disaster, what should architecture become?
How can architects cope with a profession that, by serving the population, is at the core of one of the most waste-producing and polluting industries, thus hurting the population?
detritus. is a multiple practice which – through texts, drawings, models, installations, performances, competitions, objects, education & more – playfully navigates this challenging context while seriously investigating the following themes:
moratorium. the only sustainable architecture is the one that solely reuses the pre-existing urban fabric - both physical and social. To be truly resilient, the city of tomorrow must develop within the buildings of yesterday.
performativity. normative built environments are performative, as they embody and crystallize social constructs related to gender, race, age, social classes and more.
Since western behavior and socially induced consumption are the sources of the current environmental deadlock, architects can trigger a paradigm change by reflecting on the spaces they produce.
loopholes. contemporary Swiss legislation is an unfortunate producer of normative buildings and districts, embedded with obsolete social behaviors. We investigate architectural norms through their double identity: as texts, and as the spaces they produce.
counterprojects. Swiss cities, in their never-ending quest for growth and densification, are currently planning on replacing entire districts with new housing developments. We wish to propose counterprojects to those schemes, by implementing housing in current buildings while preserving pre-existing urban fabric and activities.
We wish to resiliently modify, rather than relentlessly replace.
We propose alternatives through various architectural competition, by not respecting briefs.
We have serious fun, and are funnily serious.
detritus. is looking for an intern to join its team! More information in the >>> job <<< section.
Claire Logoz was happy to be invited by MacIver-Ek Chevroulet to discover and discuss projects from the OCCUPY Bachelor 1 studio at the Berner Fachhochschule.
detritus. was happy to share its work backstages during the "Un Dîner Avec" (UDA) lecture series. Thanks for the invitation and the discussion!
Bastian Marzoli is happy to lead a bachelor year 1 studio in this year's ''RESONANCE ROOMS'' program, within ALICE Laboratory, at EPFL.
GUM GUM was exhibited at the 2024 Swiss Art Awards. detritus. welcomed 35 artists, curators, gallerists, architects, and friends to spend a curious night at the museum, using a space usually vacant at night.
detritus. was nominated for the 2024 Foundation Award with the project SECOND BREAKFAST.
Claire Logoz was happy to be invited by Fala to "The Decorative" studio reviews, at HEAD Geneva.
detritus. was happy to be invited by collectif vendredi and ressources urbaines for the first event of the ex-materia series. The future of a rationalist building within the industrial carouge district was discussed around 3 small installations, questionning standard domestic spaces VS industrial generosity.
detritus. answered a short Q&A for the latest PROVENCE newsletter !
detritus. enjoyed a nice discussion with associati talks, the podcast can now be watched online.
detritus. is happy to be invited by the F'AR (Le Forum d'architectures Lausanne) to speak about temporary empty spaces in the city, and how to mediate their use. Join us on Tuesday 24.10 for a roundtable, together with Marie Trossat (LASUR, EPFL), Matteo Rezzonico et Marion Stucky (ALJF), Lorette Coen (FICA).
Bastian Marzoli and Claire Logoz are happy to both be leading a bachelor year 1 studio in this year's RESONANCE PLANES program, within ALICE Laboratory.
detritus. has been awarded the 2023 Swiss Art Award in the architecture category ! Congratulations to all inspiring fellow finalists and laureates.
Bastian Marzoli will be moderating a discussion about collective practices for SIA Vaud, together with Fabien Oulevay. Guests: la-clique, Offset, Constructlab.
Claire Logoz was invited by RECYCLART (Brussels) to take part to the table ronde STADPLURAAL: Deux chambres, cuisine, salle de bain !
Claire Logoz is invited by the CHO (Centre Chorégraphique Ouvert à tous.x.tes) to take part to the GRAVITY, INERTIA, IMPULSION performance at the FLUX LABORATORY in Geneva !
detritus. is excited to be 1 of 5 finalists for the 2024 Swiss Art Awards, in the architecture category.
detritus. is happy to design the exhibition "DO YOU HAVE A MINUTE TO TALK ABOUT SCIENCE?"
detritus. is exhibiting its installation "THANKSSS" in the Vitrines du Petit-Saint-Jean in Lausanne. Open 24/7 until January 2023,
detritus. was happy to be invited as guests for Alice's "Measures" review,
"Catalogue non exhaustif d'altérations performatives" is featured in the "Des corps dans la ville : architectures, féminismes et espaces construits" exhibition at the Maison de l'architecture in Paris.
The semester has started for SUPERSTUDIO LATENT FUTURES, in which detritus. is grateful to participate as studio leaders.
detritus. is happy to take part in "Planète Limite, l'urbanisme de la quinzaine avec les acteurs de demain". Join us for a movie night, September 30th at 8.00 pm!
detritus. was awarded the fifth prize for its entry to the EMS Boissonnet competition.
Bastian Marzoli was a finalist for the artistic intervention on the future ACPC campus in Villaz-St-Pierre, with the project "ONE MUST ADAPT ONESELF AT THE TOOLS AT HAND".
Claire Logoz was invited to present her research at the symposium "Lecture queer/féministe de l'espace" that took place at the University of Chicago Center in Paris.
detritus. was happy to be included in apropå X HEAD MAIA exhibition "RE-PENSER".
Claire Logoz took part to the "Musterhaus" table ronde on the limits between public and private space at Le Cabanon with Céline Masson, Julie Lang and Alexandra Ecclesia.
detritus. will design and build an on-site intervention for Artichoke Festival, together with Simon Deppierraz and Hugo Pachoud.
detritus. was happy to take part in ALICE's "Rooms" review.
The Orlando Lauti Prize was awarded to Claire Logoz.
"Moratorium." was awarded one of 4 Prix SIA Vaud 2021.
The Mita Krafft-Gloria prize was awarded to Claire Logoz.
"Escamotages" was awarded a mention in the Project Room Competition.
Bastian Marzoli was invited as a speaker for the roundtable "Matière grise - matière première" moderated by Séverin Guelpa.
"Mambo Minigolf" was selected as 1 of 11 projects to be exhibited during the group show and urban exploration.
"Bref Alignement" was awarded the first prize in the "Frontières et Eau" competition.
Art Basel 2024: architettura in fiera e fuori
10 Questions to detritus.
"Quatre lauréats des prix suisses de l’Office fédéral de la culture"
"Es brummt in den Hallen der Kunst"
"A Bâle, la Suisse met en valeur une belle diversité créatrice"
"(...)artistes et architectes en bivouac"
"Une architecte de l'EPFL défie les stéréotypes de genre dans la construction"
"Habitat: déconstruire l'hétéronormativité"
"Bivouac exploratoire"
"270 bateaux marquent sur le Léman la frontière..."
"Avis de vent fort et brassée d’ondes positives sur le Léman"
"Plus de 280 bateaux pour dessiner la frontière franco-suisse"
"Mener les bateaux"
"Des bateaux sur la frontière lémanique"
detritus. / pratique multiple
Bastian Marzoli
Claire Logoz
Dipl. Arch. EPFL
When time permits, we catalogue and sell objects from the 20th and 21st centuries:
Like a Roman, Classical Latin style.
In small caps and with a dot: detritus.